Friday, May 14, 2010

What drives your life?

The man without a purpose is like a a ship without a rudder, a waif, a nothing, a no man.’’thomas Caryle

"I observed that the basic moves for success is the driving force of enemy and jealousy”..Ecclesiastis 4:4

What drives your life?
Everyone's life is driven by something
You may never control that thing
Because you’ll never avoid of thinking
Of what is the solution to that thing?
You may be driven by pressures
Deadlines, painful memory and problems
An unconscious beliefs or Haunting fears
And hundreds of values, emotions, and consequences
And the only I can say is:

Don’t run from regrets
It’s life who threats
Don’t hide your shame
That makes you blame.
You’re a product of past
But don’t make it last
Don’t Forget your past
Because your life never last.

Made to last Forever

"God has planted eternity in the human heart…"
"Surely God would not have created such a being as a man to exist only for a day no, no man was made for immortality..” Abraham Lincoln

Because were,

Made to last Forever


Everyone has given a chance
To give the best of his hands
And everyone may take a chance
To prove you exist in this land.


Even though you are created
Living with the journey of life
It’s not mean your just created
You’ve created because of an eternal life


You’re not simply made
Because you really laid
You are not simply gave
Because you must beg

You are not an accident

“I am your creator; you were in my care even before you were born” Isaiah 44:2
You are not an accident


You live on earth for a reason
Because you are part of the plan
You are precious and unique
And God called you as special man and woman.


God never surprised at your birth
But rather he expected it
Because before he created the earth
He has a beautiful plan on it.


Our God made no mistake
Because you are perfectly created
You’re just what he wanted to make
On this earth be perfectly created.


You have the reason to love
Because you are created by love
You have the reason to beloved
‘Cause you‘re created by the love of God.