1. In spite of all the advertising around you, how can you remind yourself that life is really about living for God, not for yourself?
------I can remind myself that life is really about living for God by thinking that I were born for his purpose and by his purpose….
2. Knowing that God uniquely created us, what areas of your personalities, background, and physical appearance you are struggling to accept?
------I accept all what he has given to me my personalities and especially my background but I’m struggling to accept my physical appearance- such I have my pimples that makes my face not look like other girls has seen the beauty at their face, that sometimes other would hate and discriminate me because I’m differ from them..
3. What would your family and friends say is the driving force of your life?
------to finished my studies, but I will do it with God in my heart ---asking help and support from him, because I know with God I’ll pursue my dream..
4. Since you are made to last forever, what are the one thing you should stop doing and the one thing you should start doing today?
------ I should stop doing things like being a liar sometimes – it wasn’t avoided. Rather I should start doing to attend some activities in church that really missed. And of course, that God is always here in my heart.
5. What has happen to you recently that your realize now it was a test from God?
------Every time my auntie saying to me that I need to do this, that and whatever—that it gives me an idea to leave her, hahah..God say’s be PATIENCE , I am asking God what I should do? And he gave me an answer that I need to think it first before I do it.
6. How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment that change the way you are living right now?
------it’s the fact that some other day or today God will take my life to death. So, I will need to do things kindly, heartily with him. I need to do my purposes for what I am living for- not wait the point that when your time will take away before you do things, it’s nothing..
In your daily routine can you become more aware of God’s glory?
-----Yes, like attending church activities’ praying, being a good teacher to children’s, by reading books about him and apply it.
7. What common task could you start doing as if you were doing it directly for Jesus?
-----The common task hat I could start doing is to praise God and do anything that makes an act of worship to him.
8. Since God knows what is best, in what areas of your life do you need to trust him most?
-----I need to trust him most that my life is safe with him and he gave me the one who will love me for what I am.